April 24, 2009

Hungry boy

We are starting the process of introducing food to Trey. He is such a big boy and wants to eat all the time, so the doctor suggested starting at about 3 1/2 months. He is getting better at it, just learning the new consistency and eating off a spoon takes time. He is soooo messy right now, there is no bib that could cover his clothes so for now, dining attire is a diaper. You'll see in the video you can't get the food to him fast enough. It would help tremendously if he would leave his fingers out of his mouth. Hopefully it will be easier when we are at home in the highchair instead of in a bumbo in a hotel room.


Holly said...

Check out my blog. I gave you an award.

Lisa A. said...

oh my gosh! He has gotten sooooo big, and such an eater! WOW!