August 25, 2009

Mowing the yard

Mayson had to help Daddy mow the yard. She even had to have a headset like he wears.
It was precious. People passing by were slowing down to look at her.

This and that

Enjoying the pool

Mayson saw Sam throw Trey in the air and she had to do it as well

We went on a 14 mile bike ride on the Silver Comet Trail. Which is an old rail road track that was paved over so that you can bike, walk, rollerblade on. It runs all the way to the Alabama border.

silly guys


Trey was snorting a lot and we kept trying to get it on video. It was so funny. He doesn't do it much anymore.


Mayson is a dramatic singer. She is singing a song on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. At the end of songs she closes her eyes, puts up her hands, and shakes her head. I guess she is feeling the music. She does this with more than one song.

Trey thought it was hilarious to knock a bottle into the tub w/ Mayson

7 months old...several weeks ago

Well I took these pictures when he was 7 months old but just getting them posted now that he is closer to 8 months. Trey is crawling everywhere. He stands up from a seated position w/out having to pull up. He wants to walk desperately. Me...I'm looking for a tiny weight belt that I can put on him to try an hold him down for a while ;) We had his 6 month appointment a few weeks ago...(we were late since we were in Savannah when Sam came home and in Michigan for a few weeks) He weighed 18.9 lbs 75%---28 inches long 92%---head 171/4 inches 50%
He wants to eat constantly...this boy is going to eat us out of our home when he gets older!

He didn't really want to sit still for his picture

Fun w/ a box and

one of those things that is fun generation after generation...playing w/ a box

Napping w/ Daddy

sweet sleeping boy

messy eater

August 18, 2009

My girl's a funny girl

A few of the recent happenings in Mayson's world. Starting top left: We made a pizza, dressing up, one day she decided to have a jelly and carrot sandwich (poor girl can't have a pbj), She got into the can of ovaltine after church (still in her dress). We got big girl panties

"more Ovaltine Please"

Old Friends

Through the wonders of Facebook, Sam was reunited with an old friend from high school. During high school Joyce moved from Sam's home town down to Tennessee. She lives in Nashville, so we stopped by for a visit on our way home. Her son Donald and Mayson enjoyed playing together

Sam and Joyce's 20 year reunion

Trey enjoyed playing w/ Tigger

too cute

Donald and Mayson

Sam's bday...Michigan con't

Poppie and Trey napping

Nana, Claire and Mayson

We heard on the radio about a rubber ducky race in Kalamazoo while we were there. Since Mayson loves ducks we thought it would be something cool to do. It was fun to watch even if our duckies didn't win but it was for charity so that was an added bonus. Mayson did get upset for a little while when they dropped all the ducks in the water. Mayson wasn't too sure about getting her face painted.

Sam's 35th birthday was while we were in Michigan. 35 is his favorite number and the number he used in athletics in high school and college. So I made a big deal with the number 35 from the cake to the balloons to the t-shirts the kids and I wore. We had a small surprise party for him.

35 madness

Four generations

My masterpiece

Trey sitting on some of Sam's old Army clothes

More hanging in Michigan, we spent lots of time outside, especially swinging. Trey is in Nana's pedicure bowl in her nail salon. All the kids like to bathe in it.

Kalamazoo, Michigan has an air museum called the AirZoo. It's a really neat place it has everything from hotair balloons to space shuttles and everything air related in between. There were several little rides Mayson loved. The hot air balloons, planes and Zero G were her favorites, she did them several times each.

Here is a video of her first time on the Zero G it's a little long

August 11, 2009

At the Lake

While we were in Michigan we spent some time with Sam's sister Christina and family while they were on vacation at a cabin on the lake. Of course there was a cold snap while we were up there, I had to buy jeans and long sleeve shirts for Mayson and I and also borrow some of Nathaniel's old clothes for both Mayson and Trey

Mayson really enjoyed fishing

just hanging out

I just love this picture of Sam and Mayson

This reminds me of my childhood. My PawPaw lived on a lake and always had yoohoos for us

Sam and Mayson spent the night in a tent or "Princess Castle" as she was calling it

This is my BiG girl tubing for the first time, and by herself! I was so proud of her. There's a video below.

riding on the boat

August 6, 2009

Trip to Michigan

Here are some pictures from Michigan, I have lots to upload, I will probably do several collages (if you click on the collage it will make it bigger) to save room. Maybe soon I will be caught up.
Family reunion and meeting baby Claire

Family pic at the reunion

Smith Family, minus (Brad,Christina and Claire)

Sam 1, 2 and 3

Mommy and Trey

Hanging w/ Grandma & Grandpa Reinbold on the lake (notice Sam's big catch)

As soon as we get to Nana and Poppies' Masyon has to run and see the chickens. She remembereed them from last year.

Trey meeting a chicken

A few videos
Petting a chicken

Catching a frog

Trey started crawling while we were in Michigan, now he is all over the place. This was one of the first times he was consistently moving, he really wanted my drink

August 2, 2009

On our way up to Michigan we stopped in Indiana. Anderson University was near by. Since my maiden name is Anderson we thought we'd drive by an look at it. It was a nice campus, we decided to stretch our legs and let Mayson get rid of some energy. Trey is trying to eat a leaf in the picture below.

Videos below, Mayson rolling down hill and playing in sprinkler

Playing w/ Gena

Our friend Aaron and his girlfriend Tammy and dog Gena stayed with us when they were intown for a weekend to go to a wedding. Mayson was so happy to have a dog in the house again. She said "I want my Rexy back" :(

Giving Gena some love
See the pure joy
Trey and Gena
Here is a picture of Mayson on Gena when we were in Texas