August 7, 2008

More fun in Savannah

Practicing her "kick kick"
Having a poolside snack
I had to put this picture in, it was too funny not to. On the day Mayson and I were leaving, we went to the pool while Sam went into work for a little while. As we were getting ready I realized we had no swim diapers. Well Mayson was already aware that we were going "swimin" so there was no backing out. So I used one of her night time diapers. Needless to say it absorbed most of the pool water. She was in the water most of the time so it wasn't that bad. When I took it off it was nothing but the moisture absorbing crystals. No exaggeration the diaper had to weigh a good five pounds. As you can see in the picture she is ready to get it off.
Check out that booty!!
Crystallized dipaer

We took Mayson on base so she could see the plane Sam flys on. She loves airplanes right now so she really enjoyed it. It was about 110 degrees inside. She would have been happy to stay longer but it was way too hot!

Checking out the plane

Checking out where Daddy sits and does his Navigating
"Look at all these buttons and switches!"
"One of these has to start this baby up"

Checking out the back of the plane

It would get pretty cold in the room so we covered up with our beach towels

Mayson loves shoes, hers, ours, ones in the store. She also likes to put things on her feet socks or whatever she can find.

My girl wears combat boots

Walking in Daddy's shoes

Trying some socks on

1 comment:

Avery Tales said...

Oh my goodness!! That picture of Mayson's very wet diaper cracked me up! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! I hope all is well with you guys. I enjoy keeping up with you through the blog.

~ Lurenda