October 8, 2008

Daddy's Home!!

Sam got home from Germany Sunday night. We were so excited to see him. Mayson hadn't seen him in 44 days. I can't imagine how hard that was for him. The 12 days I was away from her while I was in Europe was tough for me. She was asleep when he got home but when she saw him Monday morning she was so happy. She ran up and gave him a big hug then was running around and jumping up and down. Below is some of the Daddy/Mayson bonding.

Top left is Sam putting together the tricycle we got w/ our points from Pampers. We were going to wait until her birthday to give it to her but decided to go ahead since it was still nice outside.

Bottom left is Mayson's first ride. Middle is playing at th playground. Top and bottom right is storytime at the library.


Avery Tales said...

Oh I'm so happy to hear that you guys are all under one roof again! I can only imagine how happy you are to have Daddy home.

Holly said...

Since you guys have already put together your tricycle, I'll send mine over and let you work on it!
Glad Sam is home. Miss you!