February 4, 2009

Past few days...

Just a few pictures from the last week
Nana covered Mayson w/ bubbles during bath. She said "I a snowman" she was so giddy and wanted her whole body covered.

I was letting Trey have some "tummy time," he doesn't love it, he cried for a while and then I think he just decided to give up and just lay there.

Sunday afternoon we went to the park since it was 60 degrees and sunny. The pictures don't quite show how crowded it was. It looked like how an ant bed looks when you step on it, people everywhere. It just shows you how badly we need parks in this area. This one opened last spring about 5 miles from our house. It is super nice but as you can see can get crowded.

Trey and I went for a walk while Mayson played with Daddy, Nana and Poppie

The dog park just opened about a month ago. Of course this is where Mayson wanted to hang out. If you look way in the back there is a guy with a white shirt, that's Sam and Mayson is next to him in a red shirt.

Candice was intown for a friends bachlorette party and stopped by and had lunch with us. It was good to catch up.

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